These are individual personal unconfirmed stories, not views or experiences of Dr. Walker

Common COVID Side Effects Not Often Discussed
Statins… could they cause you harm? - mudpiles
Understanding cholesterol. - mudpiles
Importance of maximizing vitamin D3 levels - mudpiles
Metformin verses Berberine; what you should know!! - mudpiles
Who should consider CoQ10? - mudpiles
A Few Things to Get Rid of From Your Diet. - mudpiles
Dr Martin shedding light on the origins of COVID - mudpiles
Why many countries have banned the use of fluoride, - mudpiles
Autism- Ivermectin - Doedee22
Why joint pain is common in most autoimmune diseases. -
Why joint pain is common in most autoimmune diseases. - mudpiles
The reasons you need cholesterol - mudpiles
How some doctors treat and decrease risk of cancer -
How some doctors treat and decrease risk of cancer -
How some doctors treat and decrease risk of cancer - mudpiles
Vitamin B17 and Cancer - mudpiles
The Joe Tippens cancer curing protocol - mudpiles
The dismal truth about chemotherapy. - mudpiles
Some natural ways of treating cancer. - mudpiles
Top 5 Supplements. - mudpiles
Can I take nattokinase and K2? - mudpiles
Can magnesium help manage high blood pressure? - mudpiles
Know where your food comes from. -
The problem with WHEAT/Grain -
The problem with WHEAT/Grain -
Know where your food comes from. - mudpiles
The impotence of grounding. - mudpiles
The problem with WHEAT/Grain - mudpiles
Truth about genetically modified/organism/GMO - mudpiles
Remember to get back up. -
Remember to get back up. -
Remember to get back up. -
Remember to get back up. - mudpiles
Benefits of Nattokinase. - mudpiles
Which is the best magnesium supplement for migraines/headaches? - mudpiles
Can I take nattokinase and K2? - mudpiles
Can magnesium help manage high blood pressure? - mudpiles
The origin of Covid-A MUST SEE - mudpiles
Leukemia killing within hours, to days after diagnosis -
Leukemia killing within hours, to days after diagnosis - mudpiles
Importance of natural immunity. - mudpiles
Ivermectin is the second most impactful medicine in human history; only behind penicillin - mudpiles
Bill Gates wants to vaccinate cows against farting - mudpiles
Bill Gates wants to vaccinate cows against farting - mudpiles
No such thing as “bad cholesterol” - mudpiles
Fauci admits post vaccine myocarditis - mudpiles
Chemtrail plane in action. - mudpiles
Have you ever seen the list of potential side-effects - mudpiles
The many Faces of Fauci -
The many Faces of Fauci - mudpiles
Reason to take D3 with K2 - mudpiles
World Economic Forum "agenda contributor" -
Moderna planning the next pandemic - mudpiles
World Economic Forum "agenda contributor" - mudpiles
Bill Gates-Controlling the population with Vaccines - mudpiles
Bill Fates Controlling the population with Vaccines - mudpiles
No history of autism till Gates introduced his vaccination program. - mudpiles
8-Year-Old Child’ Dies after Sudden Heart Attack - mudpiles
This mistake almost caused this child's life. -
This mistake almost caused this child's life. - mudpiles
Should @maddow should apologize for this - mudpiles
What you need to know about vaccines - mudpiles
Bill Gates about "Death Panels" - mudpiles
Atrazine throughout our water supply - mudpiles
This video documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty. - mudpiles
This video documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty. - mudpiles
Nurse collapses after getting j@bbed. - mudpiles
Powerful, heartfelt explanation of corruption. - mudpiles
Gates-depopulation agenda. - mudpiles
The WH0-global criminal enterprise. MUST WATCH. - mudpiles
Pfizer employees received a different vaccine than the rest of the population. - mudpiles
Gates has much in common with Epstein. - mudpiles
Pure evil klaus Schwab - mudpiles
Fauci once again changing his position on masks. - mudpiles
Truth about US and NATO war crimes”. - mudpiles
The power of ivermectin - mudpiles
Importance of D3 and K2 - mudpiles
What to do about a fast heart rate/tachycardia. - mudpiles
Updated discussion on vitamin D, zinc, Quercetin - mudpiles
How to increase absorption of Quercetin. - mudpiles
Vitamin D and High Blood Pressure - mudpiles
MUST WATCH Before taking the JAB /booster -
MUST WATCH Before taking the JAB /booster - mudpiles
Spike protein from natural infection verses spike from the jab. What’s the big deal? - mudpiles
UK parliament debate about COVID vaccine - mudpiles
Dr Chetty view of Covid; Must see. - mudpiles
Dr. Ryan Cole Explains why the jab might not have been the best thing to do. - mudpiles
World Premiere: Died Suddenly - mudpiles
Peter McCullough discusses v@xxine safety and concerns - mudpiles
Give your immune system a chance. - mudpiles
Peter McCullough discusses the CV vaccine. - mudpiles
Post jab myocardial complications in children - mudpiles
Dr Bossche comments to the unvaccinated - mudpiles
Dr. Cole discusses aspects of the spike proteins. - mudpiles
COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: - mudpiles
Dr. Bossche discusses “new om!cron B00ST3Rs”. - mudpiles
McCullough discloses mind blowing reason Why he was banned from Twitter - mudpiles
Cardiologist changes support of Pfizer vaccine - mudpiles
mRNA spike post jab verses spike from natural immunity. - mudpiles
Pfizer documents released - mudpiles
Immune escape -
Immune escape - mudpiles
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome - mudpiles
Immunity falls lower than unvaxx; 8 months after 2 doses - mudpiles
Tucker Carlson discusses post vaccine complications. - mudpiles
What will happen to the vaccinated infant. Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche - mudpiles
Peter McCullough discusses that not all vaccines are safe or effective. - mudpiles
Dr Marik discusses vaccine complications - mudpiles
Dr. Peter Breggin about COVID-19 and his book Global predators we are the prey. - mudpiles
Peter McCullough discuss 1200 dead within the first 90 days of vaccine rollout - mudpiles
My thoughts on M0NKEY P0X - mudpiles
Hepatitis in children, could this be a vaccine related? - mudpiles
Possible benefits of Quercetin during Covid - mudpiles
Possible benefits of Quercetin during Covid - mudpiles
Benefits of natural immunity. - mudpiles
Severe hepatitis and children, - mudpiles
Was the COVID-19 pandemic was planned -
Was the COVID-19 pandemic was planned - mudpiles
The unbelievable plans. - mudpiles
FAUCI’s take on natural immunity prior to the plandemic. - mudpiles
Pfizer says we may need a 4th booster. -
Pfizer says we may need a 4th booster. - mudpiles
Pfizer CEO said they “Never had a successful MRNA product - mudpiles
This doctor understands what the truckers mean for freedom. - mudpiles
Truth about the J@B from Canadian Trucker - mudpiles
If you don’t like Rogan then change the channel - mudpiles
Can’t believe Spotify is bending the knee - mudpiles
Nurse discusses 12 year old child having a heart attack 1 day after covid 19 vaccine. - mudpiles
Steep penalties for not being vaccinated - mudpiles
We are the Prey in this Plandemic. - mudpiles
You have been warned. - mudpiles
Horrific side effects after covid 19 vaccine - mudpiles
Baby paralyzed after Pfizer vaccine. - mudpiles
Baby paralyzed after Pfizer vaccine. - mudpiles
Full-body convulsions to myriad neurological problems - mudpiles
Her Son Dies from COVID-19 Shot - mudpiles
Woman perspective on covid vaccine - mudpiles
Death of another person 2 days after second covid shot. - mudpiles
Concern over the J&J vaccine - mudpiles
Pfizer vaccine could trigger more side effects - mudpiles
Loss of consciousness and seizures after J&J -
Loss of consciousness and seizures after J&J - mudpiles
Woman woke up with no feeling from the neck down -
CDC received reports that 100 people who got the J&J vaccine developed Guillain Barre Syndrome - mudpiles
Man experienced massive blood clots after vaccination - mudpiles
Stroke, not long after getting the J&J vaccine. - mudpiles
21 people experienced anaphylaxis reactions to the vaccine. - mudpiles
17-year old after receiving covid-19 vaccine, she could not feel her legs and arms. She was taken to hospital diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. - mudpiles
Pfizer / Moderna vaccine 1200 cases of myocarditis and pericarditi - mudpiles
Las Vegas teen unable to walk / talk after J&J vaccine. - mudpiles
Blood clot after J&J vaccine... she was unable to walk and even talk. - mudpiles
Tinnitus, after receiving their covid-19 vaccines. - mudpiles
After receiving her shot of the J&J vaccine - mudpiles
Woman found unresponsive 2 days after she had received her J&J vaccine - mudpiles
Man paralyzed and unable to talk after being vaccinated - mudpiles
Women diagnosed with blood clots in her legs after vaxx - mudpiles
Man suffers stroke after receiving vaccine. -
Man suffers stroke after receiving vaccine. - mudpiles
woman hospitalized less than 24 hours after receiving - mudpiles
Do the right thing, eh? This is in BC, Canada. -
Do the right thing, eh? This is in BC, Canada. - mudpiles
Horrible tremors after getting the COVID vaccine. - mudpiles
after his first …Fort Myers man had a breakout of a bad rash - mudpiles
19 years old, with blood clots, after receiving AstraZeneca - mudpiles
Stroke after getting the J&J vaccine. - mudpiles
Woman lost feeling, hours after the Pfizer vaccine - mudpiles
Blood clots in her lungs, as a side of the vaccine - mudpiles
Blood clots in her lungs, as a side of the vaccine - mudpiles
Bell's Palsy after Covid 19 vaccine - mudpiles
Ivermectin-A game changer. - mudpiles
Israel vaccination shocking information. - mudpiles
VAERS reporting system - mudpiles
Vaccinologist explains why we should not vaccinate children - mudpiles
Nurse discussed ivermectin use in hospital - mudpiles
Funeral director reveals Covid 19 cover up - mudpiles
Temporary paralysis after vaccine -
Nobel Laureate claims 'vaccinated people will die in 2 years': Fact check | Oneindia News -
Israel: Over 12,000 people test positive for COVID-19 after receiving Pfizer vaccine -
Vegas teen fighting for life after receiving J&J vaccine -
Possible post vaccine Bell’s Palsy -
PCOS Testosterone level - Baggerjan12
In Israel, Being Fully Vaccinated Now Means Three Shots - mudpiles
Why i have chosen not to take the vaccine - mudpiles

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Dr. Walker

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website are based upon the views of Dr. Walker and his experience. This product is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is likewise not to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider. The information provided herein is intended as a sharing of general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. That being said, please consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.

© Dr. Dennis D. Walker . All Rights Reserved