Weight Loss

If losing weight was as easy as popping a pill, there would be no need for this article; so hence this article. Currently, more than 65% of all Americans are overweight and a whopping 35% of us are classified as obese. Knowing this, companies spend a small fortune in designing beguiling weight loss products because they know that this is a multibillion-dollar industry. Additionally, most of these supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so companies have can essentially add whatever they want with the supposition that they are safe. But some of the “drugs” like 1,3-dimethylbutylamine (DMBA) has never been studied in humans, yet they are added as an ingredient. By one estimate, 1 of every 4 Americans have used a weight loss supplement with some short-term weight loss at a tune 5 or 10 pounds but to gain it all back and perhaps more. So it’s not too surprising that after several failed methods, we feel completely annoyed and frustrated thinking that nothing will ever work. But the companies are well aware of this.

So then they introduce a “new and improved” supplement that has years of research and backed by so many people or so they claim. The ads are convincing enough to entice you to open your wallet again and get this new diet craze. They try to coax you by telling you perhaps the issue is your metabolism and they have the solution or perhaps it’s your thyroid and our magic “daily” supplement will cure all your ails; just send us your paycheck. Then they add the “works best when combined with a balance diet and exercise.” What they really mean to say is if you eat a balanced diet and exercise you will lose weight. The pill has little, if anything, to do with your actual weight loss. For these reasons, I implore you to simply just run the other way.

Perhaps instead of focusing on this pill or that pill we should instead focus on things that we know work; simply staying active, having a balance diet, and hydration. This method is free of the traditional list of common side effects like: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, dry mouth, seizures and death. This old fashion method will likely save you some money and I would suggest that it is almost impossible for this not to work; intermittent fasting, walking and hydration.

So, there it is, save your money, eat a balanced diet, staying active through simple things like walking and staying hydrated. There simply is no magic pill!!! Get our list of low glycemic foods.

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website are based upon the views of Dr. Walker and his experience. This product is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is likewise not to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider. The information provided herein is intended as a sharing of general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. That being said, please consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.

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