These are individual personal unconfirmed stories, not views or experiences of Dr. Walker

Fauci once again changing his position on masks. - mudpiles
Today on CNN, after devastating study citations from the interviewer showing that masks don't work, Fauci responded: "but masks work on an individual level". But this is nonsense. Here's why. To do science on masks, you have a masked group and an unmasked group. You compare the rate of infection in each group. This is called a randomized trial. This is how science is done. If the rate of infection is the same, then masks don't work. This was what the studies on masks showed. No difference. Now, there is simply no such thing as scientific studies showing that "masks work at the individual level". Fauci either doesn't understand how science works or he is lying and making things up. It really is that simple. Fauci is saying gobbledygook in order to keep the idea of masks alive. It's incredibly shameful for Fauci to abuse science in this way. But it's par for the course in the way he has communicated science throughout the entire pandemic.

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