Dr. Walker's Older Videos

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Anxiety: Managing anxiety and depression during the pandemic.

B00ST: To B00ST or not to B00ST

B12 Deficiency

BA5 and BA5: New variants BA5 and BA5 are more virulent than previous versions.

Berberine: Benefits of berberine

Blood Pressure: Managing high blood pressure.

C0VID: Before you get C0VID

Chester Castle All age school and medical mission to Jamaica

Corona Virus Resurgence. What to do?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Covid 19 Travel Passport.

Covid 19 Vaccines

COVID Variants: Staying healthy during COVID variants.

COVID-19 vaccine: Considering the COVID-19 vaccine?

Curing Type 2 Diabetes Naturally.

D3 and K2: Importance of D3 and K2

Death and Covid vaccine

Denwalker.com: What to expect from denwalker.com

Doctor's personal back pain story.

Eczema: Preventing eczema.

Fat soluble vitamins, and supplements.

FDA: My position on the FDA not regulating supplements.

Food: Everyday Foods That are Killing You

Fosamax: Known complications of Fosamax

Fungal Foot Infection - You Should Be Doing This

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Glucosamine and knee Pain

Herd immunity is not possible…. So what does that mean?


Immunity: Natural immunity update.

Insulin resistance

IRON: How to increase your IRON levels

Johnson and Johnson vaccine and blood clots.

M0NKEY P0X: My thoughts on M0NKEY P0X

Magnesium as a sleep aid.

Magnesium: Importance of Magnesium

Mask Madness

Mask: Should You wear a mask after Covid - 19 Vaccine

Melatonin and other considerations.

Migraines/Headaches: Which is the best magnesium supplement for migraines/headaches?

MMR and Vitamin D verses COVID 19

mRNA: Why mRNA JoBs could pose problems long term.

Mumps titers and COVID 19 infections

Nasal Flushes with Povidone Iodine

Nattokinase: Can I take nattokinase and K2?

Natural immunity beats vaccine immunity, confirmed by the CDC.

Natural ways to prevent osteoporosis.

Omicron: My understanding of Omicron

Pandemic: Should we give vaccines during a pandemic

Pfizer releasing V@xx data.

Prenatal Vitamins: Problem with Prenatal Vitamins.

Proton Pump: Problem with long term use of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Quercetin and Zinc together

Quercetin: How to increase absorption of Quercetin.

Reflux/GERD: Managing reflux/GERD WITHOUT proton pump Inhibitors

Salt Water Sole

STATINS: TOP 10 problems caused by STATINS

Stress: How to manage stress.

Tachycardia: What to do about a fast heart rate/tachycardia.

Top 5 Supplements.

Turmeric/Circumin: More Benefits of Turmeric/Circumin

Vaccination: Is vaccination still a choice?

Vaccine: The Other Vaccine

Vitamin D and High Blood Pressure

Vitamin D Update

Vitamin D3 and K2

Vitamin: Updates as to the Benefits of vitamin D, zinc, Vitamin C, and Quercetin

Walking: Benefits of walking after a meal.

Weight Loss Tips After 50

Why are OATS, WHEAT, RYE bad for you.

Zinc: How much zinc should I take.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss

B117: New Covid 19 Variant B117

B12: Get Rid of B12 that contains Cyanocobalamin

Back Pain: Understanding Low Back Pain

Blood clots after COVID-19 Vaccines

C0VID infection: So you have had C0VID infection, now what?

Calcium Pills: Increasing calcium levels without calcium pills.

CoQ10: Who should consider CoQ10?

Coronavirus Basic Preventions

Coronavirus: U.S could ease coronavirus lockdown and restore the government.

Covid 19 Vaccine: Things to consider if getting the covid 19 vaccine.

Covid positive test after vaccine.

Covid-19 Natural Immunity verses vaccine.

Covid-19 Vaccine: Should You Consider Taking Covid-19 Vaccine

Cyanocobalamin: The problem with Cyanocobalamin version of B12

D3/K2: Foods to take with D3/K2

Denwalker.com: Introduction to Denwalker.com

Diabetes Type2 Made Simple

Early treatment consideration

Fasting: Intermittent Fasting with Dr. Dennis Walker

Fatty Liver Disease


Foot fungal Infection Follow Up

Fruits Cleaning


Ginger: Health Benefits of Ginger

Heartburn and Reflux: Proton Pump Inhibitor

Hibiscus Tea: Health benefits of Hibiscus tea.

Immune escape; basic premise.

Importance of Mammograms

Intermittent Fasting Part 2

Ivermectin: The power of Ivermectin.

Low Back Pain


Magnesium: Can magnesium help manage high blood pressure?

Managing your cholesterol, naturally.

Mask: Should I Still Wear A Mask?

Mass Psychosis

Metabolic Syndrome: Getting Rid of Belly fat Metabolic Syndrome

Milk: Stop Drinking Milk

Monkeypox: Update on M0nkeypox and new vaccines

Multivitamins: Get Rid of Multivitamins with â folic acidâ and Do This Instead.

Myocarditis and COVID-19

Nattokinase: Benefits of Nattokinase

Natural Immunity after Covid-19 infection

Natural Immunity: Benefits of Covid 19 natural immunity.

Neck Pain: Managing Neck Pain

Osteoporosis: Treating osteoporosis

Pericardial effusion, fluid around the heart.


Probiotics and Antibiotics

Quercetin and other zinc ionophores

QUERCETIN: Benefits of QUERCETIN during COVID-19 pandemic.

Racial profiling: My Personal Story

Rhubarb and Ginger Benefits

Spike Protein: Complications of â spike protein a from C0VID

Stress fracture of the foot

Supplements: 6 very important basic supplements.


Triglyceride: Managing high triglyceride levels.

Ubiquinol/CoQ10: Benefits of ubiquinol/CoQ10

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System; potential underreporting.

Vaccines: Common side effects after Covid-19 vaccines, not often discussed.

Vitamin D deficiency and severity of Covid 19 infections.

Vitamin D, zinc, and Quercetin As they relate to C0VID

Vitamin D3 is NOT RAT poison.

Vitamins & Supplements

Weight loss plateau

Weight: Keeping the Weight Off

Worrisome new Cor0navirus

Zinc: What is elemental zinc?

CAPS(Caribbean American Professional Society)

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Christiana Gordon

Hampton Roads Ultrasound

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website are based upon the views of Dr. Walker and his experience. This product is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is likewise not to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider. The information provided herein is intended as a sharing of general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. That being said, please consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.

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