The Association Between Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Severity in Prisma Health Patients

Background/Knowledge Gap: The novel pandemic viral disease COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2, causes extensive morbidity and mortality. As there is no proven treatment, the study of immunoprotective factors is critical. Vitamin D, is an essential vitamin with immunoprotective, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin D is thought to modulate components of the immunological surge associated with severe COVID-19. Thus, we hypothesize that vitamin D deficiency modulates the presentation, course, and outcome of COVID-19 patients.

Methods/Design: This retrospective cohort study examines the correlation between COVID-19 disease severity and historical vitamin D levels. The primary outcome is disease severity, quantified as the worst daily score from each patient’s daily World Health Organization Clinical Progression Scale. This scale stratifies disease severity by factors such as hospitalization, need for supplemental oxygenation, laboratory values that reflect oxygen delivery, and use of physiological replacement technologies such as mechanical ventilation and dialysis. Secondary outcomes include the number of emergency department visits, Emergency Severity Index at presentation for ED patients, and length of stay. We will use historical vitamin D levels obtained in the 3 years before COVID-19 testing to identify probable vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency. We will use multivariable logistic and linear regression models to analyze retrospective data abstracted from the Prisma Health Rapid Innovation Task Force COVID-19 Registry to control for age, race, sex, smoking history, comorbidities, and presentation site as well as seasonality of prior vitamin D testing.

Conclusions/Implications: We propose that optimizing vitamin D levels will improve patient outcomes, particularly in the underserved communities most likely to suffer vitamin D deficiency. This pivotal research will clarify the effect of vitamin D deficiency on COVID-19 disease severity, establish a foundation for further study of vitamin D supplementation in COVID-19 patients, and advance understanding of the pandemic disease COVID-19.

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