Health Benefits of Chromium

Chromium is a very essential trace mineral that is used in the treatment of chromium deficiency, diabetes, and bipolar disorder, among other purposes. Chromium appears to be involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein. It is important to note that this mineral is of two forms. They are:
Trivalent Chromium: This form of chromium is considered safe for human use.
Hexavalent Chromium: This form is a toxin.

What are the Health Benefits of Chromium?

a) Blood Sugar Control: In healthy people, insulin plays a vital role in ensuring the proper regulation of sugar in the bloodstream. It notified the body of the need to bring sugar into the cells of the body. However, in people with diabetes, there are issues with the bodys normal response to insulin.
b) Helps to Decrease Weight Gain: Owing to the role chromium plays in nutrient metabolism alongside its effects on eating behavior, many studies have tried to ascertain if it is a weight loss supplement.
c) Neurologic Support: Chromium supplements help increase cerebral activation in adults with mild cognitive impairment. It also improved their performance during several learning, recall, and recognition memory tasks.
d) Improve Energy Levels: The intake of chromium by some bodybuilders as well as athletes has been noted to play a role in their improved performance alongside increased energy levels.
e) Improves Bone Health: Chromium improves bone health in various ways. It preserves bone minerals so that there is a significant reduction in the loss of calcium in the urine.
f) Chromium promotes adrenal DHEA levels and also the regulation of insulin in the body. Also, this trace mineral assists the skeleton in facilitating the regulation of energy metabolism.
g) Early studies suggested that Chromium supplements may play a role in weight loss, thereby helping to increase muscle mass.

What are Some Foods High in Chromium?

Shellfish: e.g Mussels
Romaine lettuce
Raw onions
Brewers yeast

How Should I Take Chromium?

As an essential trace mineral, Chromium is recommended to be taken thus:
Males 19-50 years old should consume about 35 mcg daily.
Males 51 years and older should consume about 30 mcg daily.
Females 19-50 years old should ingest 25 mcg daily.
For females above 50 years, 20 mcg daily of chromium is recommended for their well-being.

What are the signs of a chromium deficiency?

poor blood sugar metabolism
osteopenia and bone loss
skin ulcers
poor concentration and memory
changes in appetite
changes in weight
stunted growth and development
delayed wound healing

What are the Side Effects of Chromium?

1) Kidney Disease: Dietary chromium is generally well tolerated. Excessive amount so chromium supplement however may lead to worsening kidney disease.
2) Liver Disease: Avoid excessive amounts of chromium supplements if you have liver disease.


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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website are based upon the views of Dr. Walker and his experience. This product is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is likewise not to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider. The information provided herein is intended as a sharing of general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. That being said, please consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.

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