Health Benefits of Dong Quai

Dong Quai technically known as Angelica sinensis is a plant that comes from the same family as celery, and carrots. It is often grown in damp and cold conditions. This plant is usually applied in the treatment of several conditions with little evidence. However, this plant is part of Chinese medicine, particularly for female health concerns. The roots of this plant may contain estrogen and other hormones which could be helpful in the wellness of women among other general health benefits.

What Are Some Health Benefits of Dong Quai?

Increase Bone Density: Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle, putting them at a high risk of breakage. A study reveals that Dong Quai may play a nutritional role in stimulating bone cells thereby contributing to the overall bone health.
Decrease Blood Sugar: Studies reveal that Dong Quai is effective in lowering blood sugar and can also improve normal blood sugar levels.
Decrease Inflammation: Inflammation is a normal immune response of the body but when it goes beyond normal, it increases the susceptibility of the body to many other diseases. However, some studies reveal that Dong Quai possesses powerful antioxidant properties and other active compounds that reduce inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases.
Post-menopause Symptoms: Menopause typically happens to women in their late 40's or early 50's. Symptoms may include: hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, among others. These symptoms usually occur due to low estrogen levels but the estrogenic effect of Dong Quai can help alleviate them. Dong Quai is a good natural substitute for hormone replacement therapy.
Treats High Blood Pressure: Dong Quai may be effective in treating high blood pressure.

What Are the Side Effects?

There are certain precautions you must take when using it.
1. Dong Quai contains a compound called coumarin which is also found in blood-thinning drugs like Warfarin. Therefore, avoid taking Dong Quai along with warfarin or other blood-thinning medications.
2. The estrogenic effect of Dong Quai should be avoided by people with hormone-sensitive conditions such as estrogen-sensitive cancer.
3. Dong Quai may also interfere with birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.

Are There Any Drug Interactions?

Dong Quai interacts majorly and moderately with some drugs. Be cautious of the following drugs when taking Dong Quai. Some major drug interactions include:
· Warfarin: DO NOT take Dong Quai along with warfarin
· Estrogens


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