Keto Diet

The Keto diet, also known as the ketogenic diet, is primarily based on high fat and low carb lifestyle. The aim is to limit the intake of carbohydrates in the body, forcing the body to break down fats in the liver to produce ketones used for energy 1. This diet helps in weight loss and improvement in the body’s general health.

Keto diet occurs in various forms 2;

• A standard ketogenic diet (SKD)
This plan involves primarily feeding on 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs, thus low in carbohydrates. Best for people looking to accelerate their fat loss.
• The cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD)
The diet is cyclic in that it contains high carb days and standard ketogenic days, for instance, on the ratio of 2:5. This diet is similar to the standard Keto, only that except a day or two from the ‘standard,’ the user will eat more carbs. It is intended for people who find it hard to stick to Keto.
• Vegan Keto diet
Dieters who follow this type of diet follow the ‘standard’ Keto diet- the high-fat, low carb diet but entirely plants-based. The most common sources of proteins for this diet are tofu, legumes, beans, and nuts.
• A high-protein ketogenic diet
This version of keto contains more protein in the ratios of 60% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbs. This diet plan is best for bodybuilders who need more protein to protect their muscle mass.
• The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD)
This diet plan allows one to add carbs when one is about to perform intense workout sessions, which helps one feel more robust and also increases endurance in exercising. This diet works on the belief that the additional carbs taken in will not be stored in the body as fat and instead will be used off during the session.

How does it work

Initially, the Keto diet was explicitly designed for people with seizure disorders because the ketones and beta-hydroxybutyrate produced by the Keto diet, help minimize the seizures. When one uses the Keto diet for about two to seven days, the body goes through a state called ketosis since it doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to translate to energy. In this state, the body starts making ketones –organic compounds that it will use instead of carbs. This is the time the body burns more fat in your body, leading to weight loss 3.

Common Keto diet foods 4:

• Seafood: Fish are preferred in Keto diet for their richness in Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium and for being low in carbs. Most preferred fish include; Salmon, shellfish, mussels, octopus, clams, sardines, mackerel, squid, and oysters.
• Vegetables: Mostly preferred for their richness in nutrients, high fiber, low calorific and low carbs content. Keto vegetables list includes: okra, avocado, lettuce, cucumber, eggplant, ‘zoodles’ made from zucchini, green beans, kale, broccoli, olives, spinach, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, asparagus, green pepper and cauliflower.
• Cheese: Preferred for the high fat content and low in carbs. Keto cheese list includes; feta, blue cheese, cream cheese, Havarti, halloumi, limburger, cheddar, brie, chevre, goat cheese, Swiss, Romano, mozzarella, manchego, provolone and pepper jack.
• Meats and poultry: Preferred for their richness in B vitamins, high-protein content and zero carbs content. Keto meat list includes; eggs, red meat from grass fed animals, chicken meat, and turkey meat.
• Fat and Oils: Keto diet boasts of its preference to both saturated fats sources such as extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, almond oil, whole milk and coconut oil, for their high antioxidant value and zero carbs content.
• Nuts and Seeds: Preferred for their high fiber, low carbs and high fat content. Keto preferred nuts and seeds include: brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, flax seeds, pecans and sesame seeds.
• Berries: Preferred for their high fiber and low carbs content. Keto preferred berries list includes; raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blue berries.

Common Keto diet drinks:

• Unsweetened coffee and tea preferred for their numerous health benefits and zero carb content.
Foods to avoid when following Keto diet:Keto diet mainly restricts the consumption of high carb foods, mostly processed. Common foods to avoid include 5;
• Sugary foods on ketos red list include; sports drinks, ice cream, sweetened yogurts, cookies, biscuits, cakes and desserts.
• Fruits with high sugar content such us grapes, mangoes and bananas.
• Starchy foods such as pasta, bread pies, tortillas, French fries, crackers, bagels, oatmeal and porridge.


Promotes weight loss by reducing the production of fat stimulating hormones, thus curbing appetite in return leading to weight loss.
Prevents and reduces the occurrence of seizures because the ketones and beta-hydroxybutyrate produced by the Keto diet help minimize the seizures.
Reduces acne by decreasing carb intake, which causes a spike in blood sugar, adversely affecting skin health.
Strengthens the brain and nerve cells helping prevent and treat Alzheimer’s, a neurodegenerative disease.
Improves athletic performance as athletes mainly rely on the stored fat to fuel the intense workout sessions hence improving endurance compared to burning glucose for energy.
Helps control blood glucose levels, hence used to prevent and treat Type 2 diabetes, thus eliminating the need for drugs.



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