Povidone-Iodine Nasal Spray and Covid

What is it?

Povidone-iodine is the active content in Betadine products that work on getting rid of germs and infections when used topically on minor cuts and bruises, or when used for gargling or as a nasal spray. It is already in process of development as a treatment option for the common cold, however, scientists are now interested in checking out its efficacy against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, and the results they gathered are promising.

According to one laboratory study, 15-second exposure to povidone-iodine nasal spray reduced the infectivity of the COVID virus by 99.99%, while 60-second exposure completely destroyed the infectivity (Peter Friedland1, 2022).

How does it work?
The main principle on which this whole practice is targeted is the fact that coronavirus infects the eyes, nose, or throat first. Infected droplets can then be produced during talking, sneezing, or coughing by an infected individual. These infectous particles may remain viable as an aerosolized droplet for up to 3 hours. By using a povidone-iodine nasal spray or mouthwash the virus in the tissue lining these pathways can be eliminated before it gets the chance to change into a full-fledged infectious particles, or through the incorporation of this practice, the viral load can be reduced. (Can Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray Prevent COVID Infections?, n.d.).

Who should not use it?
People who have thyroid dysfunction disorder should have caution in using this spray. Using a povidone-iodine nasal spray can tarnish the skin of the nasal cavity and may cause pulmonary disturbance such as shortness of breath in some people. Ingesting it during gargling may cause a gastrointestinal upset as well. While high doses can result in kidney problems so caution must be exercised when using povidone-iodine, and always consult with your healthcare provider first if you have any underlying health issues (Abramson, 2022).

How often can I use it?
In the case of an infected person, the nasal or oral rinse can be used 2-4 times a day for up to 6 days. While uninfected people can use the rinse 2-4 times a day if they suspect that they were exposed to the virus (Home Treatment Protocol for Covid-19, n.d.).


Abramson, A. (2022, May 22). Why Doctors Warn Against Using Betadine to Prevent COVID-19. Retrieved from Health:
Can Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray Prevent COVID Infections? (n.d.). Retrieved from NasoNeb:
Home Treatment Protocol for Covid-19. (n.d.). Retrieved from MedHelp:

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