Fruits To Avoid In Diabetes

What is diabetes?

Insulin is a hormone produced in our body to regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetes is the name of a chronic disease in which either the body does not produce insulin in adequate amounts, or when the body is unable to effectively use the insulin produced by the pancreas. Consequently, the affected person experiences chronically elevated blood sugar levels that exert harmful effects on multiple body organs to include klidneys, nerves and eyes.

Can fruits raise my blood sugar levels as a diabetic person?

Fruits have preferentially 2 types of sugars: fructose and glucose. Some fruits contain large amounts of glucose, such as ripe mangoes, ripe bananas, apples, grapes, cherries, pineapple and watermelon, etc. which can raise your blood sugar levels (Fruit and Diabetes – Can I Eat Fruit?, 2022).

Why should certain fruits be avoided?

A glycemic index is a useful tool that ranks foods containing carbohydrates according to how quickly they affect the blood sugar levels on consumption. The higher the glycemic index, the higher and quicker it causes a spike in blood sugar levels. High glycemic index foods are digested quickly by the body, but the result may be a significant spike in blood sugar levels.
That being said, fruits with a high glycemic index such as pineapple, watermelon, raisins, should be avoided as they cause spikes in blood sugar levels which then results in the production of greater amounts of insulin. Shortly after the spike in blood sugar levels, the blood glucose levels can drop quickly leaving the person feeling lethargic and down in spirits (Richards, 2021).

What are some benefits of consuming fruits for diabetes?

Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals, and also contain a powerful compound known as phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are known to lower the risk of obesity, stroke, heart disease, and cancer. Fruits are also rich in fiber, which is concentrated mainly in the skin and pulp of the fruit. Fiber-rich fruits cause slow digestion of sugar and lower cholesterol levels. They make you feel full longer, thereby preventing binge eating (Leopold, 2022).

Are there any problems with consuming canned fruits?

The problem is the added sugar in canned fruits. Check for labels on the can to see if the fruits are in their natural juices and do not contain added sugar. Avoid canned juices as they are likewise mostly sugar without the desired fiber.

What type of fruits should be eaten for diabetes?

Foods with a lower glycemic index, generally fruits less than 55, are better options. Fruits such as:
• Blueberries
• Raspberries
• Grapefruit
• Avocado
• Strawberries
• Figs
• Blackberry


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