Cold sores are red, painful bumps or wounds that develop mainly on your lips caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). In less common cases, cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Cold sores can be transmitted through kissing and oral sex. They develop on your mouth or genitals, noticeable through itching, blisters and shallow sores. When they develop around the genitals, they lead to genital herpes. In the first week of infection, cold sores lead to fever, headache, sore throat, and muscle aches.
Lemon balm oil contains citronellal, limuloids, linalool, caffeic acid ad geraniol giving it antiseptic properties that prevent the spread of herpes simplex viruses. It can easily get absorbed by the skin and dissolves in your subcutaneous layer, helping it remove toxins in the bloodstream. Lemon balm oil’s antiviral properties stop the spreading of cold sores and speeds up the healing of cold sores wounds. Lemon balm oil is non-toxic and doesn’t cause inflammation, redness, or dryness when applied to the skin.
Wet the cotton bud with lemon balm oil and carefully apply the oil only to the affected area.
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