Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus transmitted through touching. They appear as small rough, and hard growth and can occur anywhere in the skin. Using public showers, weak immunity, and working in the meat industry increases the risk of contracting warts. The virus finds its way through damaged skin or sexual contact for genital warts slightly, and it can take about six months for the first bumps to start showing.
Duct tape denies the skin cells the much-needed oxygen, making the cells in the wart die and wear out. In addition, frequent applying and removing the tape removes skin cells, slowly eroding the wart. This process removes the wart layer by layer, causing the wart to weather off slowly without causing damage to the skin.
Wash the wart thoroughly and leave it to dry. Cut a sizeable piece of duct tape and stick it on the wart. Remove the tape after seven days and clean the wart with sandpaper or pumice stone to erode the dead skin. Next, clean the wart area and leave it for 12 hours before reapplying another duct tape.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website are based upon the views of Dr. Walker and his experience. This product is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is likewise not to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider. The information provided herein is intended as a sharing of general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. That being said, please consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.
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