Tooth whitening is a dentistry practice that involves a process of bleaching teeth to make them sparkling white. Teeth lose their sparkle when there is plaque buildup on your teeth, or one uses foods that cause stain on their enamel leading to yellowing hence the demand for whitening home remedies.
Baking soda is a popular ingredient in many commercial teeth whitening properties said to have the ability to whiten the teeth naturally. Studies show that the higher the concentration of baking soda there is, the greater the effect. Baking soda not only whitens the teeth; in addition, it creates an alkaline environment that prevents harmful bacteria from thriving in your mouth.
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to your toothbrush. Brush your teeth for two minutes. Rinse out the paste when you are done brushing.
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