A sore throat is an inflammation that causes pain in the throat that worsens during swallowing. It is either caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Sore throat caused by viral infections is known as pharyngitis, while the one caused by bacteria is known as strep throat. Common symptoms include; pain while swallowing or talking, swollen tonsils, coarse sensation on your throat, fever, and running nose.
Marshmallow root has a mucus-like substance that works as mucilage. The mucilage creates a protective layer on the throat and mouth membranes, thus reducing the irritation and accelerating the sore throat's healing. Marshmallow root extracts contain anti-inflammatory substances known as flavonoids, which reduce swellings, and irritation bringing a soothing effect.
Add two teaspoons of dried marshmallow root to a cup of boiling water. Stir for two minutes. Drink when it's warm.
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