Common Colds are viral infections caused by rhinoviruses. Colds are characterized by a runny nose, fever, body ache, sore throats, coughing, and sore throat symptoms. One feels better after a week or two. Children have the greatest risk of ailing from colds. Healthy adults have an average of at least three bouts of common cold a year. Cold months, a weak immune system, and exposure to crowds carry the greatest risk of getting a cold.
Honey is famous for its antimicrobial properties in fighting viruses and bacteria. Lemon contains vitamin C that helps in boosting the immune system and reducing the severity of the cold symptoms, thus speeding the recovery. Honey is a great natural cough suppressant. The combination drink helps in reducing cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, coughs, and a sore throat.
Heat one cup of water. Squeeze the lemon to get at least two teaspoonfuls of juice. To the hot water, add two teaspoonfuls of honey and lemon juice. Stir until the honey dissolves. Sip when warm.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this website are based upon the views of Dr. Walker and his experience. This product is not intended as medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information is likewise not to replace the advice of a qualified health care provider. The information provided herein is intended as a sharing of general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. That being said, please consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. If you have or suspect you have, a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.
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