Health Benefits of Nattokinase

What is nattokinase?

Nattokinase is the enzyme that is found in a Japanese staple food called natto. Natto is made by fermenting boiled soybeans with a bacterium called Bacillus subtillus var. natto. Nattto has a unique odor which some may find to be “unpleasant,” but once you get beyond the smell you will find natto to be a uniquely beneficially product. (Nattokinase - Uses, Side Effects, and More, n.d.).

What are the health benefits of natto?

Natto is a super nutritious food, promising various health benefits upon its consumption primarily because of nattokinase. Remember that natto is the only product that contains nattokinase. Some of the worth-considering benefits include (Petre, 2017):

• Rich in several important nutrients: Natto contains optimal levels of essential nutrients required for maintaining healthy body function. Nutrients that natto provides include vitamin K2, vitamin C, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium, fiber, carbs, protein, fat, antioxidants, vitamin B6, folate(B9), and pantothenic acid(B5) as well.

• Boosts bone health: Natto contains good levels of vitamin K2 and calcium. Vitamin K2 is important in mobilizing calcium from soft tissues and blood vessels and helps in depositing calcium in bones. Vitamin K2 is associated with decreasing the risk for coronary artery disease and atherosclerotic disease as well as helping to build bone mass over time.

• Aids in digestion: Natto contains a good proportion of probiotics as compared to anti-nutrients (substances that prevent absorption of nutrients in the body), thereby natto promotes gut health and helps in absorbing nutrients from the food.

• Promotes heart health: Nattokinase found in natto promotes blood thinning, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots and protecting from stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases brought about by blood clots. It also reduces cholesterol levels and decreases high blood pressure.

• Reinforce the immune system: Natto also functions as a probiotic in assisting the gut to absorb nutrients from food. It is said that natto can contain up to 1 billion colony-forming bacteria per gram. A proper gut microbiome is important in reducing the risk of diarrhea or other bowel abnormalities that include irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. Natto also contains optimal levels of vitamin C and other minerals that may strengthen the immune system.

Finally, flavonoids in natto are thought to also reduce your risk for prostate cancer, liver cancer, and breast cancer.

How to get nattokinase?

Natto is the only source of obtaining nattokinase, as the non-fermented soybeans do not contain it. However, you can get nattokinase in supplement form as well and research suggests that it is just as effective as consuming natto. Before, taking the supplement, the person’s age, health, and other factors are taken into account to come up with the right regimen. According to research studies, the above-mentioned health benefits can be obtained by taking 100-200 mg of nattokinase a day (Contributors, 2022). Taking it for a period of three years has been deemed to be safe.


Contributors, W. E. (2022, November 26). Health Benefits of Nattokinase. Retrieved from WebMD:
Nattokinase - Uses, Side Effects, and More. (n.d.). Retrieved from WebMD:
Petre, A. (2017, March 31). Why Natto Is Super Healthy and Nutritious. Retrieved from Healthline:

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