Benefits of 3-Mammogram

A 3D mammogram (breast tomosynthesis) is an imaging test that combines multiple breast X-rays to create a three-dimensional picture of the breast. A 3D mammogram looks for breast cancer in people with no signs or symptoms. It can also investigate the cause of breast problems, such as breast mass, pain, and nipple discharge. Some reports that 3D mammogram can increase cancer detection rates by 41%. Early detection means early treatment of breast cancer which increases the chance of survival.

Why it’s done?

A 3D mammogram is used as a breast cancer screening test to look for breast cancer in people with no signs or symptoms of the disease. It can also investigate breast problems, such as a suspicious lump or thickening. When used for breast cancer screening, the 3D mammogram machine creates 3D and standard 2D mammogram images because both images have some advantages in seeing certain breast abnormalities.

Several benefits are associated with using 3-D mammograms for breast cancer screening. These include:

Reduce the need for follow-up imaging – When doctors detect abnormalities on standard mammogram images, they may recommend additional imaging. However, being called back for additional imaging can be stressful. In addition, it may take extra time and leads to additional costs. Combining a 3D mammogram with a standard mammogram reduces the need for follow-up imaging.

More accurate detection – Studies indicate that combining a 3D mammogram with a standard mammogram can result in about one more breast cancer for every 1,000 women screened compared to a standard mammogram alone.

Improve breast cancer detection in dense breast tissue – A 3D mammogram offers advantages in detecting breast cancer in people with dense breast tissue because the 3D image allows doctors to see beyond areas of density. Dense breast tissue, can cause overlapping tissue to conceal tumors in conventional 2D mammography. 3D mammography takes pictures of the breast from numerous viewing angles, allowing the doctor to look through the breast like pages in a book. This is not possible with the conventional 2D mammogram.

Less Anxiety – 3D mammography can help chances of false outcomes. The enhanced precision in diagnosing unusual structures offered by a 3D view reduces the number of tests that need to be done on the patient, decreasing anxiety.

3D Mammogram Benefits

Earlier detection of small breast cancers compared to traditional 2D mammogram.
Greater accuracy in pinpointing size, shape and location of abnormality.
Fewer unnecessary biopsies.
Fewer additional tests.


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