Bacopa monnieri is a herb, originally growing in wetlands of Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia. Bacopa plant is characterized by succulent thick leaves and small white flowers with four or five petals. It mainly grows in swamps but recently Bacopa has been grown hydroponically for commercial purposes due to its medicinal and noootropic properties.
Bacopa monnieri is also known as brahmi, herb of grace, herpestis herb, herpestis monneriera, indian pennywort, water hyssop or moniera cuneifolia. Used for its therapeutic and laxative effects.
Bacopa was widely used in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of indigestion, diarrhea, syphilis, leprosy, anemia, enlarged spleen, ulcers, biliousness and purify blood. It was also used in cooking to add flavor to food. Ancient Vedic scholars used it to boost memory and learn huge scriptures and hymns. Today Bacopa has drawn the attention of scientists due to its ability to promote the health of brain cells and increase cognitive function.
Bacopa is used in neuropathy to remedy speech problems in kids and improve the coordination among limbs, brain and tongue. In addition, Bacopa has been useful in controlling high blood pressure due to its high concentration of anti-oxidants thereby protecting the blood vessels and the heart.1
Bacopa contains bacosides and bacopasides which changes the levels of serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine in the brains thus improving the overall brain heath boosting concentration and improving memory. Additionally, bacopa is used in the treatment of ulcers, tumors, and improving mental clarity. Bacopa can be used raw, in capsules, in blended form or extracts.2
Although Bacopa monnieri is safe to use, some people may have nausea, diarrhea and stomach cramps after using it. Also, the herb is not recommended for use by pregnant women.
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