Researchers from Spain at the European Corona Virus conference reported that patients with higher zinc levels were progressing better against COVID-19 infections than patients with lower zinc levels. According to the pulmonologist, Dr. Len Horovitz of Lenox Hill Hospital said, “It has long been thought that zinc bolsters the immune system. It is thought that zinc helps fight infections by boosting the production of antibodies against infections. Another possible explanation in this study is that zinc may have an anti-inflammatory effect that is protective”. Researchers now think that zinc deficiency may be one of the reasons seniors are more susceptible to infections as “lower zinc level at admission correlate with higher inflammation and poorer outcome.” These findings suggest that zinc could have protective effects against COVID-19 and that a deficiency in zinc (which is common in the elderly) could be catastrophic for the elderly, who are already most likely to be adversely affected by coronavirus.


Zinc is one of the most common trace mineral found in the body and is found in many different food types. It plays a vital part in regulating the body’s metabolism and immune system. Over the years, studies have shown that those with low zinc levels are more susceptible to illness/infections in general. Additionally, WHO reported that zinc deficiency may be responsible for 13% of all lower respiratory tract infections, in children younger than 5 years. You can get the mineral zinc from foods such as beans, nuts, some seafood like crabs, and others. Adults should consider taking 30mg twice per day.


1- https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200923/could-zinc-help-fight-covid-19

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